Wednesday 2 July 2014

Nether Edge Pizza @ Café #9, Sheffield - 25/06/2014

Nether Edge Pizza is one of those sort of annoying sort of cool once a week type deals - every Wednesday, two fellas and a fucking massive wood oven rock up to Cafe #9 in Sheffield and make pizza for all those who flock to them. It is like the feeding of the five thousand but with less people and crispy dough instead of loaves and fishes. 

The pizza is pretty good. For £6, I got a ten inch margherita pizza (with *whisper it* vegan cheese, kindly purchased for us in advance when Ben messaged one of the guys to ask about their non-dairy options. That was very nice of him) with black olives and jalapeños and a fuckload of salad (see below - that was my original photo for this review but I figured it didn't really give too much away tehe). However, it still left me feelin' a lil bit hungry, so me and Ben had to order another to eat on the walk home ('had to', lol). 

The standout part of this pizza was certainly the dough (the olives, jalapeños, and sauce were all nice but pretty standard when you eat pizza the way I do aka a lot) - it was crispy and crunchy and all the things I love from a thin pizza. So big up the Nether Edge Pizza guys for that. 

Though the pizza was pretty satisfying (once I'd had another half of one), there were some drawbacks to the Nether Edge Pizza Experience. First of all, the service was pretty all over the place - four of us visited, and one didn't get his pizza until way after the rest of us had finished (sorry Cheesman) - and second of all, Cafe #9 appeared to be hosting something of a ~jam session~ that evening, so we were treated* to heartfelt ukulele playing, an electric saxophone of some kind, and many many many Marcus Mumfordisms. Which is not necessarily what you're after when you've just popped out for a quiet pizza. We finally gave in and had to leave when someone started playing the bongos and everyone in the place entered into a particularly rousing rendition of I Walk The Line. That actually happened.

So basically - stay for the pizza, leave for the music. Or sit outside, which is what we wanted to do all along. 

Pizza rating: 7/10 
(extra marks for the vegan cheese, otherwise the rating would have been much lower due to the disorganisation and genuinely off-putting atmosphere of people shaking makeshift maracas along to acoustic numbers with lyrics by Sixth Form Poet)

Nether Edge Pizza @ Café #9
9 Nether Edge Road, S7 1RU

*NB: it was not a treat.

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