Wednesday 9 April 2014

Franco Manca, London - 28/03/14

if u know about pizza, u know that Franco Manca is the total fucking tits. If this pizza was a person, it would be in the year above and you'd stare at it walking past your Maths classroom and even though it would never even look at you, you'd still jerk off to it fifteen times when you got home anyway. That's how good this pizza is. You will never be as good as this pizza. Know that.

But the difference between the unattainable deity in Upper Sixth and this pizza is that you actually get to put your mouth on this pizza because it is actually not a person, and is in fact a circle of baked dough with stuff on it. I am not a religious woman, but for that, I thank God.

So yeah anyway Franco Manca. The one in the photo/the only one in the chain I have ever visited is the Brixton Market one, but I think they have about seven restaurants in London. I like the atmosphere there quite a lot, but the only downside is that if you sit outside on like, the main market concourse bit, the pizza gets cold quicker. So if you get a choice of where to sit, go inside. TOP TIP.

me enjoying my Franco Manca experience :-)

I want to talk about how this pizza tastes but I feel like it needs sonnets written about it to really do it justice. But I cannot be arsed to write a sonnet so I will just write some other normal things about it instead. The dough is rrrrrrllllllly soft and delicious. Usually I am about a crispier pizza but this is an exception. It's sort of hard to cut though, if you care about practicalities. The sauce and cheese are both great and also taste really fresh which is obviously cool. On this occasion, I ordered pizza number 5 on their menu, which describes it as being topped with "tomato, garlic, oregano, capers, olives, anchovies and mozzarella" (I had it without anchovies though because a) they are gross and b) I am a herbivore) and all of those toppings were delicious. I was especially into the olives which were v salty, v tasty.

To be real w u, this pizza was the dopest but you can't rly expect anything less from Franco Manca. I also just want to mention real quick that this pizza cost me less than £7 so whilst also being literally one of the best things I've ever eaten it's also really inexpensive and you should definitely eat it too. Also also, if you are a vegan, you can get the pizza without cheese which I am told is really good. Everyone wins. Also also also, get the fresh lemonade to accompany ur pizza because it's off the chain. Ignore how much it looks like piss.

Pizza rating: 9/10
(loses a point because my pizza got cold p quick on this visit)

Franco Manca, Unit 4, Market Row, SW9 8LD

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